Urban fossils of Avilés
La Ferrería Street
Devonian Grey Stone
Location: pavement
Rock: limestone
Age: Devonian
Fossils: bivalves, corals and crinoids
Griotte Stone
Location: pavement
Rock: limestone
Age: Carboniferous
Fossils: ammonoids, orthoceratids and crinoids
Bonielles Stone
Location: pavement
Rock: limestone
Age: Cretaceous
Fossils: ichnofossils, bivalves and gastropods
La Ferrería Street
Devonian Grey Stone
Location: pavement
Rock: limestone
Age: Devonian
Fossils: bivalves, corals and crinoids
Griotte Stone
Location: pavement
Rock: limestone
Age: Carboniferous
Fossils: ammonoids, orthoceratids and crinoids
Bonielles Stone
Location: pavement
Rock: limestone
Age: Cretaceous
Fossils: ichnofossils, bivalves and gastropods
Rojo Baztan Stone
Location: pavement
Rock: limestone
Age: Cretaceous
Fossils: bivalves (rudists)
Location: pavement
Rock: limestone
Age: Cretaceous
Fossils: bivalves (rudists)
Devonian Grey Stone
Surface of a paving stone of grey Devonian limestone
Cluster of bivalve shells
Crinoids and other small skeletal fragmemts
Cross section of a coral
Griotte Stone
Griotte Stone with crinoid fragments
Cross section of an ammonoid shell
Detailed cross section of an ammonoid
Cross section of an ammonoid shell
Bonielles Stone
Bonielles Stone with burrows
Cross section of a gastropod shell
Rojo Baztan Stone
Rojo Baztan limestone
Cross section of a bivalve shell (rudist)
Cross sections of rudists